Sunday, April 13, 2008

The universal study travels dates of the blackout

If you are annual a regular one to pass the sostenedor for the universal one

The studies travel, are certain dates of the blackout there

when you cannot visit the park unless you pay a

a day completely appraised the ticket for the date of the blackout. No

the conscious being of these dates can cause to him

the problems, so they make sure of knowing to him when they are!

In 2006, there are dates of the no blackout during

months of January with June, and ninguÌ  n blackout

dates in October. Every Saturday and Sunday are

blackened towards outside by July and August. In addition, July

3ro and the 4tos are dates of the blackout. 2 of September and

3ro, 24 of November and 25to, and 26 of December,

the 27mos, the 28vos quarters, the 29nos, thirtieth, and 31ro is all blackened towards outside.

In addition, the park is closed in thanksgiving

Day and day of Christmas. If you are a regular annual publication

to pass the sostenedor, improves to a superior or of luxury

the annual step, or avoids the trips of the universal studies

these dates so that you do not have to pay

completely price day - that costs almost as much

like regular annual ticket!

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